Stop missing opportunities and key insights. Slash your time reviewing bidding sites and government portals.
360 degree visibility from policy to procurement. Uncover relevant RFPs, contracting opportunities, agencies, procurement, NDAAs, congressional reports, and more.
While other tools provide you data, our platform will sift out the signal from the noise - relevant to your company
Data that empowers before the RFP
We bring in data from programs, congressional offices, and more to provide you the intelligence needed to shape and win the contract before the contract is released.
Federal, State, Local and Custom Opportunities Feeds
Integrate government solicitation feeds across federal, SLED, consortiums, and more. We even integrate your private feeds like GSA eBuy, OASIS, and more.
Daily AI Recommendations
Daily recommendation feed with AI generated reasoning to find the key information and opportunities relevant to your company.
Drive your business development to new heights
Increase visibility and reduce time spent triaging opportunities daily
Integrate Opportunity Sources
Integrate your current opportunity sources from websites, APIs, emails, etc.
AI Derived Summaries
Bid/No-Bid assistant summaries to quickly analyze RFPs.
AI Matching Engine
Semantic matching of solicitation requests to your specific company.
Triaging and List Workflows
Team wide visibility of opportunities also with the option of integrating your CRM.
Daily Recommendations List
Simple triage workflow with AI completing the heavy lift for you
Full Opportunity Search
Traditional full text search of all opportunity feeds.
Start exploring our integrated data and building proposals today